Governance and structure

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The Marist Association is a Non Profit Company (Reg No:2013/16657/08) governed by a Board of Directors, is a registered Public Benefit Organisation and enjoys the full support of the St Henry’s Marist community.

Independent Body

The Association is a Non Profit Company registered with the The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission of South Africa and is governed by a Board of Directors, independent of the school, whose sole responsibility is to raise and manage donations for the good of the Marist Family, especially St Henry’s Marist College.


The Marist Association is staffed by the Alumni Officer, who works in tandem with the Board of Directors. The Association is structured to meet the needs of its alumni and donors and has a variety of avenues through which donors can contribute.


The Association provides full and transparent reporting on all its activities, with regular reports provided to donors, an annual audit and the publishing of an annual report.


  • foster the interests of the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools and build on its heritage and history;
  • promote the fraternity of the past learners of St. Henry’s Marist College;
  • add value to St Henry’s Marist College through social, sporting, financial assistance and, where appropriate, hold fund raising events;
  • establish and administer a bursary/ies or other form of financial aid, loans or donations for the benefit of the current and, in appropriate cases, the past learners of St. Henry’s Marist College and other members of the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools or potential members of the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools;
  • help promote and communicate the values and ethos of the Institute of the Marist Brothers of the Schools;
  • establish communication and to promote continuous communication and interaction between past learners that, inter alia, will benefit St. Henry’s Marist College and individuals;
  • invest any funds or property of which it is in possession and to utilise such funds or property for any purpose which may further the interests of the Company;
  • raise finance for any purpose which may further the interests of the Company, and to bind the property of the Company as security for the purpose of acquiring such finance.

Tax efficient

The Association conforms with the requirements of a Public Benefit Organisation, which ensures that it is tax friendly to donors and receives the lowest rate of taxation in terms of the concessions afforded to Public Benefit Organisations.